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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Rooting Any Android Device Using Termux

This is under expirimental Do it at your own risks;

*Android 5 and above
*Termux app(free on playstore)

1 Download and install termux app

2 Open Termux

3 type pkg update then press enter then wait the process until done

4 pkg upgrade then same steps to step #3

5 pkg install git ncurses-utils

6 select yes type y

7 pkg install python

8 type git clone

9 ls

10 cd ubuntu-in-termux

11 ls

12 chmod +x

13 ls

14  ./

15 apt update && apt upgrade

16 cd ..

17 ls

18 cd bin

19 ls

20 apt install busybox

21 apt install nano

22 nano su

23 delete the content of su

24 download flashable su

25 extract the file su

26 open with text editor

27 select all the content

28 paste in the su file in termux

29 save

30 nano busybox

31 do the same steps to su

32 restart your device

33 check now with root checker

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